AI Is Here to Save eDiscovery—And It’s Not a Moment Too Soon

The world of eDiscovery is at a tipping point. Clients and customers expect their lawyers and law firms to do more than ever, managing and parsing an unprecedented volume of data quickly and effectively. At the same time, they’re demanding lower costs, better-controlled budgets, and transparent … Read more about AI Is Here to Save eDiscovery—And It’s Not a Moment Too Soon

Taming the Data Tiger: 4 Strategies for Government Agencies Responding to eDiscovery Requests

Holding a purge day? Boxing up all paper records and old hard drives and hauling them to a basement for safekeeping, where they’ll never be seen again? While government officials swimming in data may prefer these options for managing their information, they’re legally mandated to do something more: … Read more about Taming the Data Tiger: 4 Strategies for Government Agencies Responding to eDiscovery Requests