Artificial intelligence (AI) is permeating every aspect of our lives: it’s telling us what to buy and when we need to buy it, when we need to get up from our desk to take some steps, which emails to read using filtering techniques, and what to watch next on our smart device or TV. While AI can … Read more about Smart Technology, Smarter eDiscovery: How to Integrate Artificial Intelligence into eDiscovery
One-Stop eDiscovery: A Customized Approach Offering Seamless Transitions and Lower Costs
One of the best things about shopping on Amazon is that you can get just about anything. Looking for a book or a movie to fill an unscheduled evening? Of course it has those. How about a pair of pajamas to wear? No problem. Maybe you need a comfy sofa to sit on while you read or a TV to watch your … Read more about One-Stop eDiscovery: A Customized Approach Offering Seamless Transitions and Lower Costs
Using eDiscovery Technology to Make the Most of Early Case Assessment
Are you getting enough out of your early case assessment (ECA)? ECA is intended to be a flexible, customized process whereby your organization can rapidly gather and analyze data about a pending or potential matter so you can make an informed decision about what to do. ECA can be slapdash and … Read more about Using eDiscovery Technology to Make the Most of Early Case Assessment